
Updated On: July 25, 2024

Live & Interactive: How D2C Brands are Achieving Success with Video Commerce 

D2C brands brought a storm to the retail segment with direct customer connectivity. This builds uniqueness among their product proposition, personalized experiences, and competitive prices as they sideline the traditional retail intermediaries. As those markets become saturated, D2C brands are again under severe calls for constant innovation. Now, compared to 2021, the hottest technology for these D2C companies will be video commerce platforms in 2024. This article will examine why D2C brands need video commerce, their benefits, and how they integrate with current and future shopping trends.

What is the Meaning of D2C

D2C stands for Direct-to-Consumer. It refers to a business model where manufacturers or brands sell their products directly to consumers, bypassing traditional retail channels or intermediaries. This approach gives companies greater control over their brand, marketing, and customer experience. It also often results in cost savings for consumers due to eliminating intermediaries.

What is the Emergence of D2C Brands

D2C gained momentum only recently following the digital age and the growth in internet shopping. The model enables brands to.

  • Have better control over their brand’s route: D2C brands can own their communication.
  • Collect Data on Customer Preferences: Direct access to the market allows brands to collect minute details of customer preferences, behavior, and feedback—all of which can be handy in procuring more targeted marketing techniques and product development.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Without an intermediary, D2C brands can provide personalized services and products, thereby catering better service and satisfaction to the end customers.

The Rise of Video Commerce

E-commerce, hence, describes a concept where video content has been made part and parcel of a commerce-driven shopping experience. It includes live streaming, product demonstrations, shoppable videos, and user-generated content. In 2024, the ballgame for DTC brands is about to change with video commerce for a few big reasons.

  • Content That Engages: By nature, video content is engaging. In most cases, it is a lot more engaging than text or images. It grabs attention and can pass across complex ideas quickly and easily.
  • Human Interaction: Videos, specifically live streaming, allow a person to feel human as one can talk to the customer in real-time, answer the customer’s questions, and gain the customer’s trust.
  • Conversion Rates: Various studies have confirmed that video content significantly boosts conversion rates. Direct purchases from the videos will erase resistance from the buying process.

 What is the Shopping Trend in 2024

Several vital trends will characterize the shopping landscape in 2024:

  • Increased Online Shopping: The trend of shopping online is increasing, which is what online shoppers do for convenience and a better selection of stores.
  • Authenticity of Demand: Today, tomorrow’s consumers seek their own authenticity and transparency in what they buy and their brands. They want to see for whom the products work, their advantages, and the brand’s promise of being great.
  • Personalization: Customized shopping experiences have gone from “nice-to-haves” to table stakes. Customers increasingly expect recommendations, offers, and content tailored to their preferences.

What is the Future of D2C Brands

To stay competitive in the future, D2C brands must have matured in these trends, leveraging emerging technologies. Video commerce is one such technology because it seamlessly fits the future of D2C brands. Here’s why:

  • Richer Customer Engagement: Video commerce may help businesses design engaging, interactive content that arrests attention. Live streams and interactive videos allow real-time interaction. Thereby making the customer feel important and valuable. 
  • Improved Customer Retention Management: Engaging video content helps shape loyal customer audiences. Regular live streams, launches of products, and behind-the-scenes content drive users back.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Video commerce platforms come with analytics so that brands can understand their viewer’s behavior, preferences, and engagement. Such data is invaluable and at the core of informing the refinement process of marketing strategies and product strategies.

What are the Advantages of Online Shopping?

Integrating video commerce into the online shopping experience offers numerous advantages:

  • Visual and Expressive: The customer feels a visual move of the product, thereby understanding every feature of the product, from size to perspective, the use of the product. It reduces the return rate that can ever be made and leads to increased customer satisfaction.
  • Convenience: Shoppable videos have made the process of purchasing smooth; now, buyers can buy a product with one click, whether reading the video.
  • Trust and Credibility: The possibility of observing a product in action and receiving testimonials from other customers who have used the very same product gives a sense of confidence and credibility toward the product. The user-generated content of such customers can further supplement this through business reviews or testimonials. 

Implementing Video Commerce

Here are steps to follow for D2C brands looking to implement video commerce:

  • Choose the right video commerce platform: Choose a platform that can quickly lead. Quite a number of live streaming, shoppable videos, and analytics are overly rich. 
  • Create Quality Content: Professional video production creates engaging and quality content. This includes product demonstrations, tutorials, behind-the-scenes footage, and customer testimonials.
  • Promote Your Videos: Utilize social media, email marketing, and your website to draw attention to your video content. Ask customers to share your videos and get involved in real-time streaming together.
  • Work with Influencers: Co-create authentic and relevant content with influencers that help reach even more people and build credibility for your brand.


As the D2C landscape evolves, innovative technology becomes necessary for brands to keep up. Video commerce portends excellent promise in engaging customers, enhancing conversion, and ensuring brand loyalty. Integrating video commerce into strategies will help DTC brands meet the needs of today’s consumers and put them in a vantage position to adapt to changes in e-commerce shopping.

Successful adoptions of video commerce platforms will thus be effective in 2024. Otherwise, D2C brands cannot move ahead in such a competitive marketplace. Video commerce can elevate customer engagement, effective retention, and capitalization on data-driven insights—to let D2C brands renew strong consumer connections and foster sustainable growth. Thus, this investment in video commerce is just a necessity, not an option. If you are planning to grow your D2C brands get in touch with Phygitalmax as soon as possible and let your brand soar to new heights. 

The author

Yogesh Bhatt

Yogesh, a Gen Z himself, is obsessed with how tech is revamping shopping. Here, he decodes the rise of live video shopping, phygital experiences, and how brands are wooing his generation.Tired of mindless scrolling? Buckle up for hacks and real talk on creating awesome shopping experiences for YOU!

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