
Updated On: May 29, 2024

5 Ways Phygital Video Shopping Boosts Your Bottom Line

The way stores sell things is about to change as buying physical videos online and in stores come together. This creative approach uses cutting-edge technology to make stores more interesting, lively, and fun, which boosts sales and makes customers happy. Phygital video shopping blends the ease of shopping online with the human touch of shopping in a store.

Salespeople who work from home may answer questions, give personalized advice, and show how products work. Customers like this mixed method because it gives them a more complete and flexible shopping experience. For stores, more reach, fewer returns, and better sales rates are all good things. Personalizing phygital video experience for higher sales is always very effective.

This article talks about the five best ways to increase sales with Phygital video, make people happy, and make it grow. If you know how to do real online shopping, you might do well in the store business. For more ideas on this subject, go to Phygitalmax. This is helpful for small businesses that want to grow online or for big stores that want to find new ways to connect with their customers. These proven ways Phygital video shopping increases sales will help you get more people to buy videos.

Effects of Phygital Video on Customer Traffic

When you do Phygital video shopping, browsing changes. Users can connect with things in real time, ask questions, and get personalized answers from sales staff through live video sessions. This engaging feature makes online shopping more fun because it makes it feel like shopping in a store. When you buy digital pictures, you can change how they look. Personalization in Phygital video shopping is very helpful. 

  • Getting in touch in real-time: People are more likely to buy something when they can ask questions, see how it works, and get quick answers.
  • Personalized Suggestions: In particular, salespeople who give advice based on what their clients are interested in could make their clients more loyal and satisfied. A store would do something like this.
  • Case Study: A well-known makeup company found that virtual video shopping got customers 35% more involved. Video buying conversion rates go up a lot when personalized product suggestions and in-person makeup demos are used.

How to use Phygital video shopping to improve conversion rates?

Phygital video shopping gets more sales because it is more interesting and educational. When customers see and get quick comments, they are more likely to buy something knowing more about it.

  • Product Demonstrations: By showing a product’s features and benefits in real time, live demos remove questions and increase the chance that a buyer will buy it.
  • Instant Gratification: You can quickly get a customer’s attention and get them to buy by interacting with them quickly.
  • Statistics:  Physical video shopping had a 30% higher conversion rate than traditional e-commerce. Shopping in person closes the gap between online and in-store experiences by letting people buy things with more confidence.

How does Phygital video shopping reduce cart abandonment?

A big reason for high return rates in online shopping is that customers’ standards aren’t always met. You can fix this problem by actually video shopping, which shows the goods more accurately. When video is used, people are less likely to ditch their shopping carts. It does reduce cart abandonment with video

  • Accurate Product Depictions:  Live films show things as they really are, in terms of size, color, and how they work, so buyers are less likely to be unhappy when they receive their items.
  • Decisions Based on Good Information: Before they buy something, people may look at it from different angles and ask questions about details. This obviously helps increase customer lifetime value
  • Example: One internet clothes store saw a 25% drop in returns thanks to virtual video shopping. To make better decisions, customers can ask about size and material and see how clothes look on models with similar body types.

Optimizing Phygital video shopping to enhance customer experience

The best parts of both online and offline shopping are built into Phygital video shopping to make the whole experience better for the customer. This combination approach creates a shopping experience that is easy, useful, and enjoyable.

  • Convenience: Customers can stay in the comfort of their own homes and use live chat and personalized help.
  • Immersion Experience: When people buy things online, they are happier because real companies are more interesting.
  • Insight: 70% of consumers preferred companies with storefronts, according to research.  Improved customer service boosts revenue and loyalty.

Strategies for increasing CLTV with phygital videos

With Phygital video shopping, stores aren’t limited to real stores and can reach customers all over the world. This bigger group of people could lead to more sales and business growth. Data-driven marketing for phygital video makes it much easier to get people to know about your business.

  • Global accessibility: customers from many places can take part in live shopping events, which helps them get more customers.
  • Scalable solutions: Stores can serve a lot of different types of customers at once, adjust to different time zones, and hold a lot of live events. It is possible to drive traffic to physical stores easily. 
  • Example: A home decor brand expanded its market reach by offering Phygital video shopping. They held live sessions on style advice and product adaptability to attract international customers and boost sales by 40%.


Physical video purchases are changing the way stores do business and offer many benefits that help you make more sales. Companies that use digital shopping methods to enhance customer experience with video, expand market reach, lower return rates, and boost consumer engagement may gain a competitive advantage in the modern digital economy.  Employing this creative approach could lead to big rises in sales and customer trust, which could finally lead to the growth of the business. Because Phygitalmax is a well-known name, e-commerce and other businesses may be able to grow with his support.

The author

Yogesh Bhatt

Yogesh, a Gen Z himself, is obsessed with how tech is revamping shopping. Here, he decodes the rise of live video shopping, phygital experiences, and how brands are wooing his generation.Tired of mindless scrolling? Buckle up for hacks and real talk on creating awesome shopping experiences for YOU!

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